
Category: Stress

Exercise Your Options

We recommend at least 30 minutes of brisk walking on most days of the week, but you can substitute any of the following activities. They are all considered moderate exercise—defined by the U.S. Surgeon General as anything that burns an average of 4 to 7 calories per minute. Washing and waxing a car for 45-60...

Other Cool Gadgets

In addition to pedometers, there are numerous other accessories to help you track your activity and measure your results. While you don’t need any of them, some might help with that most important component of exercise: motivation. Walking speedometer. As if knowing how far you’re going wasn’t enough, now you can track your speed and...

Stretches for Walkers

Every time your foot strikes the ground, your muscles and joints receive a load roughly 1.5 times your body weight. To prevent injuries, walk in place for a few minutes to warm up your muscles, then do these four stretches before setting out. After stretchingone side, switch sides and repeat. Stretch several times on each...

Pick the Right Pedometer

Pedometers have gone upscale. Today they can read your pulse, estimate the calories you’ve burned, time your activity, and estimate your speed, as well as provide music to move you along on your walk. With literally hundreds of brands and styles out there, it can be daunting to choose the right one. Here are six...

Your Target Heart Rate

To get the most from aerobic exer- On the Plan we want cises such as walking, the Ameri- you to build you way up to walking at can College of Sports Medicine least 30 minutes a day (60 if you need suggests maintaining a heart rate to lose weight) on most days. On top of...

Putting it All Together

No matter what type of exercise you choose, remember that the goal isn’t to add exercise to your life but to make it a permanent part of your life, along with eating, sleeping, and brushing your teeth. So build walks into your schedule and let your family and friends know those outings aren’t expendable. If...