
Stress – Topic

20 Simple Ways to Get Happy

Happiness is ephemeral, subject to the vagaries of everything from the weather to the size of your bank account. We’re not suggesting that vou can reach a permanent state called “happiness” and remain there. But there are many ways to swerve off the path of anxiety, anger, frustration, and sadness into a state of happiness...

Go with the Flow

Creating a sense of peace and calm in your life means more than just coping with stress as best you can; it also means actively embracing those things that bring pleasure and satisfaction. A big part of doing this is finding work and hobbies that challenge you é without overwhelming you. Have you ever been...

Learn A Better Way to Breathe

As babies we instinctively know how to breathe properly. But as adults we tend to forget. Babies breathe with their whole bodies, their stomachs —__ puffing out every time they breathe in and collapsing when they breathe ¢ ’ out. Now check your own breathing. Place one hand on your chest and the other on...

Practice the Art of Spinning

When you discovered you had high cholesterol, how did you react? Did you panic and begin picturing your own death from a heart attack? Or did you take a deep breath and view the diagnosis not as terrible news but as a kick in the pants to finally make some healthful lifestyle changes? If it’s...

Stress Solutions

The reality is that you can’t completely eliminate stress from your life—nor would you want to, Boredom can be just as stressful in its own way as racing to mail your taxes at 11:50 p.m. on April 15. But you can change the way you react to stress. And that’s what counts, When researchers look...

Fitting Together Stress, Cholesterol, and Heart Disease

When researchers at Duke University Medical Center in Durham, North Carolina, asked women to recall a situation or event in their lives that made them angry, not only did the women’s stress hormone levels spike, so did their cholesterol levels. And when researchers in Dr. Stoney’s lab at Ohio State University studied male and female...