
Eating – Topics

The Art of Change

Changing ingrained habits is one of the most difficult things to do. And the changes probably feel most overwhelming in the eating arena. But relax. We don’t expect you to institute them all at once. Just doing one new thing at a time—switching from 2 percent milk to skim, substituting a salmon steak for a...

Eating Out On The Plan

the typical American eats out four times a week. Think that sounds too high? If you include everything from the muffin and coffee you grab on your way to work to the lunch you eat in the company cafeteria to stops at drive-through Joints, you can see how quickly it adds up. The problem with...

What About Alcohol?

By now the “French Paradox” is old news. The phrase refers to the fact that despite eating lots of saturated fat and cholesterol (read: cheese, butter, and cream), the French have a relatively low incidence of heart disease. A major reason, researchers suspect, is the generous amount of wine that the French drink. Although the...

Eat More Antioxidants

The diet described thus far in this chapter will help you lower your LDL. But certain foods can also make the LDL you do have less dangerous. As we talked about in Chapter 1, LDL is a bigger threat when it becomes oxidized. This happens because of exposure to free radicals, highly reactive molecules that...

Pick the Right Protein

We are not going to tell you to avoid red (or white) meat entire on the Plan. But we are going ti help you find healthier alternatives to hamburgers For, as the Center for Science in the Public Interest (( mPL) notes: “Ground beef adds more fat—and more artery-clogging saturated fat-—to the average American’s diet...

Become an Opportunist

Think fast: How many servings of vegetables have you had today? One? None? How about fruit? If you’re like many Americans, you miss plenty of opportunities for getting them—like ordering a veggie topping for your pizza or adding raisins to your oatmeal. On the Plan you’ll become a fruit-and-veggie opportunist. Not only are these foods...