
The Ups and Downs of Cholesterol – Sub Topics

Should You Have an EBCT?

What if an X-ray could help diagnose heart disease or predict risk? Some researchers think it can. Using electron beam computed tomography (EBCT), a type of CT scan, doctors can examine artery walls for calcium deposits; a lot of calcium indicates a lot of plaque. In people with CHD symptoms, the degree of arterial calcification...

Warning Signs of Heart Disease

The following signs of heart disease should not be ignored:Angina. A feeling of tightness, pressure, or pain that appears with exertion or stress and disappears with rest. Usually the chest, throat, upper abdomen, or arms. Shortness of breath. Difficulty breathing, whether you’re exerting yourself, at rest, or asleep. Edema, Swelling of your ankles, usually...

How Heart Disease Happens

When you think of heart disease, you probably picture a simple process whereby cholesterol sticks to artery nd gums them up, eventually closing them off What actually happens is somewhat different—and considerably more complicated Stage I Heart Disease: The Scene Is Set Excess LDL particle the blood burrow into the artery way response, white blood...

Kids and Cholesterol

You’re never too young for high cholesterol. In fact, as many as one-third of American children (from age 2 through the teenage years) have high cholesterol. It’s no surprise. Consider what constitutes kid food in this country: chicken nuggets, boxed macaroni and cheese, and high-fat luncheon meats, School lunches aren’t much better. A national survey...

Beware the Quick Screening

So you had one of those health-fair cholesterol tests, and your readings came back high. Before you panic, be sure to follow up with your doctor. While these tests are a good first step, any abnormal or high results should be checked again. The most accurate lipid profile is one taken after fasting for at...

Which Tests to Get?

How much do you need to know about your levels of cholesterol and other blood components to understand your risk of heart disease and how to lower it? That depends on several factors. For some people, a basic cholesterol! screening will suffice. Others will want to investigate further. Use this chart as a general guide...