
Which Stains to Take?

As of early 2003 the FDA had approved five statin drugs for the treatment of high cholesterol. Although the drugs are similar, there are some differences in their mechanisms and effectiveness. So talk to your doctor about which statin is best for you. Here’s how they break out:

Average LDL reduction (percent) Average HDL increase (percent) Average HDL triglycerides (percent) Effect on cardiovascular disease and deaths their effects
Lescol 33 11-25 19-23 Not determined. FDA-approverl as treatment to lower apolipoprotein B Requires the least amourit of liver function testing,
Lipitor 54 5-9 19-37 Not determined. Also reduces levels of remnant lipoprotein cholesterol levels and C-reactive protein, both signs of increased risk of heart disease.
Mevacor 35 6 21 after 12 weeks No benefit seen in decreasing attack or death from heart attack.
Pravachol 40 5 14 Reduced risk of having attack by 31 percent and reduce risk of overall death about 22 percent A study published in the journal circulation in January 2001 suggests Pravachol may cut the risk of diadetes by 30 percent. Its also reduces levels of remnnant lipoprotein cholestrol and C-reactive protein.
Zocor 48 8 28-33 42 percent fewer disease in people who had had prevjous heart attacks and 30 percent reduction in overall deaths. Also reduces levels of deaths from heart C-reactive protein.

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