Are you ready? No, are you really ready? Changing your health habits is a challenging task, even though it’s presented as absurdly simple in magazine cover lines that, promise you can “Lose 10 Pounds in Two Weeks.” It takes commitment to...
The Plan is ideal for anyone, regardless of your cholesterol But some aspects of the plan will differ slightly if you have metabolic syndrome or high triglycerides. For instance, you may need te exercise more, limit calories, and But some aspects...
The Plan will help you reduce your cholesterol. How much you need to bring it down depends on your CHD risk factors. In a nutshell, the greater your risk for a heart attack or stroke—in other words, the more risk factors...
We’ll go into more detail on every aspect of the Plan in the following four chapters. You’ll walk through the Plan week by week starting on click here, But here are the basics in a nutshell. As you might expect, the...
More than anything else, how you live your life determines your likelihood of developing CHD. Even if you have risk factors you can’t do a thing about, making changes to your lifestyle can go a long way toward ensuring you don’t...
Okay, so some things you really ave born with. For instance, researchers have found several genetic abnormalities that can lead to high cholesterol and make lowering your cholesterol through lifestyle changes alone difficult, if not impossible. If this is true for...