Couscous is a Staple in much of North Africa, where itis often served topped with tender colorful vegetables, In Tunisus vt is usually spiced wunth a traditional fot chile saawe called harissa 10 /2 ounces couscous 1 cup raisins 1 teaspoon...
The combination of grams and beans 2s comyom, to all cursenes with a tradition of vegetarton meals. In this delicious I-pot mann dish, ground coriander, chommamon, and dried apricots: add a Middle Eastern flavor 2 eggs 1 teaspoon canola oil 1...
Here’s a dish that is surprisingly low in fat and bursting with a variety of spices and fresh flavors Dressing: 1/2 cup rice vinegar or cider vinegar 2 tablespoons honey 2 tablespoons mild chili powder 2 tablespoons paprika 1 tablespoon grated...
Full of flavor but low in saturated fat, nemson makes a wonderful alternative to beet in a casserole 1/2 tablespoons olive oil 1 pound boneless venison shoulder, cut into 1’/2-inch cubes 2 medium onions, sliced 2 garlic cloves, crushed 2 cooked...
Lean pork marinated in a Meaxcan spice and evrus neature and sauteed until succulent makes an etellent filling for soft flows tortillas. The finishing touch ts a ercwyr of fresh avocado salsa. 14 ounces pork tenderloin, trimmed of fat 2 onions,...
Country Captain is now considered a classic American dish, bit it is likely named for a British army captain who first brought curry seasonings from fdia to his home port 2 teaspoons olive oil 4 boneless, skinless chicken breast halves (5...
Soft tortilas—instead of fried —make the difJerence in these tacos, which are an excellent way to get a seroing of bears and avocado, rich in heart-healthy monounsaturated 1/4 pound skinless boneless chicken breasts, cut into strips 3 garlic cloves, chopped Juice...
This saisa is also delicious with other oity fishy, such as turat, swordfish, and macker’ 4 salmon fillets (5 ounces each) 4 teaspoons mixed peppercorns (black, white, green, and pink) 1/2 pounds baby new potatoes, scrubbed and halved if large 5...
Baking om foil packets is a stple and trouble free ieay to prepare fish it’s henithiy toa, as oe wuter-soluble nutrients are lost 10 ounces mixed Asian greens, such as bok choy and Chinese cabbage, chopped 4 skinless salmon or hake...