Sometimes no amount of dietary and lifestyle change is enough to get your cholesterol down to a safe level. While some people can makejust a few changes—substituting butter for olive oil, or eating fish instead of steak twice a week—and see...
Take this quiz to determine your risk for CHD or heart attack. The answers will help you set LDL goals and let you know if you may need to start on a cholesterol-lowering drug. Step 1 Count Your Risk Factors If...
Even if you already have heart disease, it’s not too late to help your heart . if you have CHD your risk of heart aattack or some other coronary event is much higher than that of someone who doesn’t so your...
Controlling your cholesterol can do much more than simply protect you from heart disease and stroke, A growing body of evidence suggests that what’s good for the heart may also be good for the mind, and that low levels of cholestero!...
Knowing your weight isn’t enough to determine if you’re overweight or obese. For that you need to know your Body Mass Index (BMI), a measure that takes into account both height and weight.” >...
A trim waistline cuts ae dashing figure—it may cut your risk of heart disease, too, since weight carried around the midsection increases the risk. Use a tape measure to measure the smallest part of your natural waist, usually the belly button....
If you think cigar smoking is a safe alternative to cigarette smoking because you don’t inhale the smoke from a cigar, think again. A large study published in 1999 in the New England Journal of Medicine found cigar smokers were more...
We know that estrogen plays a role in helping women maintain healthy levels of cholesterol before menopause. After menopause, as estrogen levels plummet, LDL tends to rise, HDL drops, and triglycerides increase. In theory, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) should solve those...
Are you ready? No, are you really ready? Changing your health habits is a challenging task, even though it’s presented as absurdly simple in magazine cover lines that, promise you can “Lose 10 Pounds in Two Weeks.” It takes commitment to...
The Plan is ideal for anyone, regardless of your cholesterol But some aspects of the plan will differ slightly if you have metabolic syndrome or high triglycerides. For instance, you may need te exercise more, limit calories, and But some aspects...