When you discovered you had high cholesterol, how did you react? Did you panic and begin picturing your own death from a heart attack? Or did you take a deep breath and view the diagnosis not as terrible news but as...
The reality is that you can’t completely eliminate stress from your life—nor would you want to, Boredom can be just as stressful in its own way as racing to mail your taxes at 11:50 p.m. on April 15. But you can...
When researchers at Duke University Medical Center in Durham, North Carolina, asked women to recall a situation or event in their lives that made them angry, not only did the women’s stress hormone levels spike, so did their cholesterol levels. And...
What makes one job more stressful than another? The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health lists several stress-causing workplace conditions, including these: Design of tasks. Heavy workload, infrequent breaks, long hours, shiftwork, hectic and routine tasks that have little inherent...
According to the Encyclopedia of Stress, “stress” is one of the most frequently used but ill-defined words in the English language. We say we’re stressed when we’re late for work and when we can’t pay our bills. We laugh about the...
In 1983 Time magazine declared that stress was “the epidemic of the ’80s.”’ What does that say about us now? In the two decades since that declaration, we’ve welcomed into our lives cell phones, beepers, the Internet, 24-hour news, and self-managed...