GOAL | Pick the right protein
- Continue choosing the leanest cuts of meat.
- Have soy at least once this week. Add firm tofu to a stir-fry. Stir soy crumbles (found in the frozen food section) into spaghetti sauce or vegetable stew to provide some meat-like texture. Or opt for a soy burger, available in the freezer aisle at the grocery store.
- If you haven’t tried game meat, do so once this week. Venison and buffalo are both extremely low in saturated fat,
- Instead of a roast beef sandwich, have egg salad (made with light mayo, of course). Eqgs are an ideal source of protein, Look for eggs high in omega-3 fatty acids, sold at many stores.
Tip | Don’t buy tofu sold loose in open containers, as it may be contaminated with bacteria. Instead, buy packaged tofu in the refrigerated section of your grocery store.
Recipe Ideas
GOAL| Follow the supplement plan you outlined on this page
GOALS | 50,000 steps
Morning stretches
10-Minute Tune-Up on four days
- Walk for 45 minutes three times this week, and 30 minutes twice.
- Vary your pace. After every 10 minutes of walking at a comfortable pace, increase your stride for five minutes, then slow down again.
Tip | Get a freezer or refrigerator for the garage or basement and keep some staples there. It forces you to walk back and forth several times a day.
GOAL | Redirect your reactions
1. When something stressful happens, spend a minute on deep breathing. Then ask yourself:
- Is the way I’m reacting to this situation increasing my tension?
- Is my reaction logical and reasonable?
- Is there another way to view the situation?
2. When a situation gets the better of you, pretend you’re viewing it from afar, as if it’s happening to someone else. This will help you be more objective and react more dispassionately.