
The Plan at a Glance



You’ll get most of your protein from lean meat and poultry, eggs, sov, beans, and fish, with the greatest emphasis on the latter three. The Plan calls for getting about 20 percent of your calories from protein. On a 2,000-calorie diet that’s about 100 grams of protein daily. 

Here’s what a day’s worth of protein might look like:
  • 1 large egg: 6 grams 
  • Black beans, 1 cup: 14 grams
  • Roasted chicken breast, 3 ounces: 23 grams
  • Brownrice, 1 cup: 5 grams 
  • Salmon, 5 ounces: 38 grams 
  • Nonfat milk, 2 cups: 16 grams


Complex carbohydrates, found in vegetables, fruit, and whole grains, should make up most of your carbohydrate intake, rather than sweets, sodas, and foods made with white flour. The Plan calls for getting 45 to 60 percent of your calories from carbohydrates, On a 2,000-calorie diet that’s a range of 225 to 300 grams daily.

Here’s what a day’s worth of carbohydrates might look like: 
  • Raisin bran cereal, 1 cup: 43 grams 
  • String beans, 1 cup: 10 grams
  • Fruit juice, 8 ounces: 30 grams 
  • Pear: 25 grams 
  • Banana, medium: 27 grams 
  • Pasta, whole wheat, 1 cup: 37 grams 
  • Broccoli, 1 cup: 5 grams 
  • Dinner roll, whole wheat: 26 grams 
  • Cooked barley, 1 cup: 44 grams
  • lce-cream, 1/2 cup: 20 grams 
  • Apple: 21 grams


On the Plan fat is fine—as long as it’s unsaturated, The Plan calls for getting 24) to 30 percent of your calories from fat, On a 2,000 calorie diet that’s 44 to 67 grams. 

Here’s what a day’s worth of fat might look like: 
  • 1 egg: 5 grams 
  • Salmon, 5 ounces: 14 grams 
  • Skinless chicken breast, 3 ounces: 3 grams 
  • Olive oil, 2 tablespoons: 28 grams 
  • Hummus, 2 tablespoons; 3 grams


Fiber is king on the Plan. Aim to get at least 25 grams of fiber a day relatively easy to do if you’re eating your oatmeal, getting the nine servings of fruits and vegetables we recommend, and sticking to whole grain carbohydrates.

Here’s what a day’s worth of fiber might look like: 
  • High-fiber cereal or oatmeal, 1 cup: 5 grams
  • Steamed spinach, 1/2 cup: 2 grams 
  • Strawberries, 1 cup: 4 grams 
  • Brown rice, 1 cup: 3 grams
  • 1 mango: 3 grams
  • Lima beans, 1/2 cup: 7 grams
  • Broccoli, 1 cup: 4 grams
  • 6 large dates: 2 grams

Fruits and Vegetables

On the Plan we want you to aim to get nine servings of fruits and vegetables a day. That’s not as hard as it may sound.

Here’s what a day’s worth of fruits and vegetables might look like: 
  • 1 medium fruit (orange, pear) 
  • Smoothie with 1 cup of cut-up fruit (equals two servings)
  • Broccoli, 1 cup (equals two servings) 
  • 100 percent fruit/vegetable juice, 6 ounces
  • 1 cup raw, leafy vegetables
  • 1/2 cup beans or peas
  • 1/4 cup dried fruit (raisins, apricots)


  • Get at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity four to five days a week (60 minutes if you need to lose weight). Walk your way up to 50,000 steps a week. 
  • Aim for 60 minutes of strength training each week using the 10-Minute Tune-Up (Click here) or the 30-Minute Total Body Toner (Click here
  • Do simple stretches every day to maintain flexibility (Click here).


  • Practice deep breathing four times a week for two to four minutes, And use the technique anytime you’re faced with a stressful situation to mitigate your body’s reactions.
  • “Spin” the way you view the world so you’re looking at it with a positive, rather than negative, outlook more often than not. 
  • Embrace those things that bring you pleasure and satisfaction. Find a hobby that you can lose yourself in. Nurture old social contacts or make new ones—maybe by joining an exercise class or walking club.


Everyone on the Plan will be taking a daily multivitamin, 2 grams of fish oil, and most likely a baby aspirin (81 milligrams) every day; check with your doctor before taking aspirin regularly. Some people will also benefit from other supplements. Using the chart below, write down which supplements you’ll take on the Plan. (Talk to your doctor first.)

My Supplements:

  • Multivitamin 
  • 2 grams of fish oil
  • Aspirin
  • Other: As per your requirement
Supplement Who should take it Daily dosage
Multivitamin/Mineral Everyone. One pill, which should include mineral 200 to 500 milligrams of vitamin C and 100 to 200 IU vitamin E.
Fish-oil supplements Everyone. 2 grams of combined EPA and DHA twice daily. If you have heart disease, ask your doctor about taking higher doses.
Additional B vitamin People with high homocysteine levels (above 9 micromoles per liter). Talk to your doctor.
Guggul People with high cholesterol who want an alternative to a prescription drug, especially people whose cholesterol isn't high enough to require medication. 75 milligrams of guggulsterones daily
Red yeast rice extract Anyone with cholesterol levels high enough to require medication but who doesn't want to take a prescription drug should consider this, Follow manufacturer directions.
Chromium People with metabolic syndrome or insulin resistance. Diabetics should people with insulin resistance; consider it: (check with your doctor first). Use chromium picolinate as your source. 200 to 400 micrograms daily for people with insulin resistance; 400 to 1,000 micrograms for people with diabetes.
Coenzyme Q10 Anyone with a high LDL level and anyone taking a statin drug should take CoQ10 if they feel they can afford it. 100 milligrams daily.
Psyllium People who don’ feel they can consistently eat foods rich in soluble fiber.. 6 to 10 grams daily.
Arginine Anyone with multiple risk factors for heart disease or who already has heart disease, and whose diet is less than ideal (it won't be if you follow the Plan faithfully) 2 to 3 grams daily in divided doses.
Hawthorne Anyone with high cholesterol who wants to do everything they can to further lower their nsk should consider this. 100 to 300 milligrams standardimed extract two to three times daily.

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