Getting Tested

Generally, your doctor will order a cholesterol test as part of your routine health exam. You should fast for 9 to 12 hours before the test. If you’ve recently had a stroke, surgery, infection, weight loss, pregnancy, or a change in your usual diet, the results may be skewed, so try to wait until you’re back to normal before taking the test. The basic cholesterol test reveals total cholesterol and HDL levels, In some cases, your doctor may order a more detailed test, known as a complete lipid profile, for more information click here.  Medicare and most other health insurance plans cover these tests.

Other tests to know about include:

Skin cholesterol test. Approved by the FDA in June 2002, Cholesterol 1,2,3, is the world’s first noninvasive (read: no needle stick) cholesterol test. The three-minute test, performed at a doctor’s office, measures the amount of cholesterol in the skin on the palm of your hand. Clinical studies found that using the test, in addition to identifying other risk factors, accurately assessed heart disease risk. The best part? You don’t have to fast, and you get your results in just three minutes. The test involves placing two drops of liquid in the palm of your hand, The chemicals bind to the cholesterol on your skin, changing color, the color is then read by a special handheld reader.

Home cholesterol tests. The official recommendation stipulates that you have your blood cholesterol tested every five years if your first test result are normal, and more often if  they’re abnormal or you’re being treated for high cholesterol or CHD, But sometimes you want to know how you’re doing without the hassle of a doctor’s appointment. A home cholestrol test is a handy solution.

There are several to choose from. Generally, a small device analyzes a drop of your blood in a matter of minutes. But buyer beware: Most of these Tests measure only your total cholesterol, While this information may be helpful, it doesn’t tell vou everything you need to know, Recently, tests that measure HDL, LDL, and triglycerides have come on the market. To use them you send a blood sample to an accredited laboratory for analysis, then receive the results in the mail.

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