
Category: Drugs

Dangerous Combinations

Taking certain drugs while you’re also taking statins might increase your risk of muscle damage. These drugs include: fibrates; nicotinic acid; the antifungals Sporonox (itraconazole), Nizoral (ketoconazole), and anything in the azole class of drug; antibiotics such as erythromycin and clarithromycin; the immunosuppressant Sandimmune (cyclosporine); HIV protease inhibitors; antidepressants such as Serzone (nefazodone); the beta-blockers...

Remembering to Take Your Medicine

So you’re brushing your teeth before sliding into bed when it suddenly hits you: You forgot to take your cholesterol drug today. Forgetfulness is one of the most common reasons people say they don’t take their medications. To avoid forgetting, use prompts like the following:  Coordinate taking your medication with a daily activity. For instance...

Treating High Cholesterol in the Elderly

The next 30 years will see the graying of America as the Te boomers move into their senior years. The number of people 65 and older will double, growing — to 70 million, And, since coronary heart disease (CHD) accounts for 70 to 80 percent of deaths in this age group, reducing CHD risk factors...

If You’re Given a Prescription.

Ask your doctor the following questions: What is this medicine for?  What are the potential side effects, and what should | do about them?  Are there any potential interactions with office with a prescription, All of the advice and warnings went in one ear and out the other, Now food, other prescription drugs, or overthe-counter...

Putting It All Together

If you wind up needing medication, think about how fortunate we are today to have these generally safe and highly effective drugs available to us. Not too long ago all cardiologists could do for their patients was hold their hands, watching them succumb to a disease they couldn’t control. Today we have the means at...

Looking into the Future

The American pharmaceutical industry spent more than $30 billion in 2001 researching and developing new drugs. Not surprisingly, companies tend to focus much of their research in areas that promise the biggest sales potential, such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. And with an estimated 36 million Americans walking around with cholesterol levels high enough...