How much do you need to know about your levels of cholesterol and other blood components to understand your risk of heart disease and how to lower it? That depends on several factors. For some people, a basic cholesterol! screening will...
Cholesterol travels around the bloodstream in bubbles called lipoproteins. Different types of lipoproteins contain different amounts of cholesterol and triglycerides, And they vary greatly in size. HDL is much smaller than LDL, which is much smailer than VLDL other words, here’s...
For years doctors questioned the role. high cholesterol played in strokes. But a large study published in summer 2002 may have answered that question. Researchers at Tel Aviv University in. israe! followed 11,177 patients with CHD for six to eight years....
Inside your arteries there’s a battle going on. LDLs are the enemy force, and HDLs the defenders. If your ratio of “enemies” to “defenders” is favorable, you win—plaque will not form. Here’s how it plays out. VLDLs, produced in the liver,...
Lovely Tangier Island off the coast of Virginia offers a glimpse of a simpler life, where golf carts are the preferred mode of travel, residents speak with a unique Old English dialect, three-quarters of the population share one of four last...
You don’t really need to remember all of the nitty-gritty details on the various types of cholesterol, just the bottom line: If your cholesterol levels are out of whack, you’re heart disease risk is increased. Exactly how cholesterol wreaks havoc is...
Generally, your doctor will order a cholesterol test as part of your routine health exam. You should fast for 9 to 12 hours before the test. If you’ve recently had a stroke, surgery, infection, weight loss, pregnancy, or a change in...
Eat too much and you gain weight, It’s one of the simplest facts in medicine, But the repercussions of gluttony go beyond weight gain. When you eat more calories than you need, your body converts them into a form of fat...