Fibrates for High Triglycerides

Fibric acid derivatives, or fibrates, affect the actions of key enzymes in the liver, enabling the liver to absorb more fatty acids, thus reducing production of triglycerides. These drugs also work well at increasing production of HDL. Although they can also lower LDL levels, they’re not considered first-line treatments for high LDL or total cholesterol. Overall, they tend to lower LDL levels between 10 and 15 percent, increase HDL levels between 5 and 20 percent, and lower triglycerides between 20 and 50 percent. Fibrates are often prescribed in conjunction with other cholesterollowering drugs, but they shouldn’t be taken with statins. They may be particularly helpful for people with insulin resistance syndrome, in which HDL tends to be low, LDL normal, and triglycerides high, Brands include Atromid-S (clofibrate), Lopid (gemfibrozil), and Tricor (fenofibrate).

Side effects: Fibrates have few side effects and most people can take them with no problem, The most common problems are gastrointestinal complaints, such as nausea and gas. The drug may also increase your likelihood of developing gallstones.

Warnings: Combining fibrates with statins could result in muscle damage. Fibrates are also not recommended if you have liver, kidney, or gallbladder disease.

Recommended dose: Fibrates are usually given in two daily doses totaling 1,200 milligrams, taken 30 minutes before morning and evening meals.


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